Cellulite: what is cellulite and how to deal with it
The human body is a kind of mechanism that, in the absence of proper care, can fail, and it will take a lot of effort and time to renew it. That is why, you need to adhere to certain rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle, so as not to expose yourself to unnecessary stress, which is enough in the life of a modern person. Untimely body care or neglect of one’s health can lead to a number of undesirable consequences that will affect not only the condition and functioning of internal organs, but also the appearance. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who always want to be irresistible and strive to become the owner of the perfect body. Unfortunately, it is they, much more often than men, who are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as cellulite, which can ruin any, even the most ideal forms. That is why it is so important to prevent its occurrence and to know the most effective ways to eliminate cellulite, if it still has not bypassed you. What is cellulite In order to fight cellulite, you need to know the nature of its occurrence, and what exactly it is. Surely, you have repeatedly paid attention to the fact that not only overweight women are prone to cellulite, but also quite slender ones. This suggests that it does not apply to the consequences of obesity and can even form on the body of thin women who lead an unhealthy lifestyle and do not adhere to the rules of a healthy diet. There is also a scientific explanation for the fact that only women are mainly affected by cellulite, and on it is extremely rare in the male body. The fact is that estrogens, which are female hormones, are to blame for the formation of cellulite. They affect the blood vessels and contribute to their blockage. As a result, tissues are deficient in nutrients and oxygen. This causes blockage of fat cells and hardening of tissues, which leads to the formation of dimples on the surface of the skin, the number of which increases over time. In addition, do not forget that the structure of the skin in women is also different from that of men. For obvious reasons, women's skin is much thinner and more elastic than men's, as it must stretch well during pregnancy. In combination with a looser structure and a larger size of fat cells, which are much less often stitched with connective tissues, this causes instant manifestations of cellulite signs on a woman’s body, immediately after the tissues have hardened. From a medical point of view, cellulite is a disease that must be treated in a timely manner by choosing for this, the optimal method or even a whole range of measures aimed at restoring metabolism in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Otherwise, along with cellulite, a vascular network will appear in problem areas, caused by compression of arteries and veins by hardened fatty tissues, as well as bruises resulting from stagnation of blood and lymph. Therefore, cellulite should not be attributed solely to cosmetic problems. Causes of cellulite heredity The first and most serious cause of cellulite is heredity. We are not talking about a tendency to be overweight, which, as we have already found out, does not have a direct effect on the state of fat cells. The fact is that some girls from birth experience difficulties with metabolic disorders, and, therefore, with the slightest deviation from the rules of a healthy lifestyle, they will face cellulite. Their body reacts to any processes occurring in it more sharply, so the risk of cellulite formation in the shortest possible time increases significantly. Hormonal disruptions Hormonal disorders and changes in the body can also affect the condition of adipose tissue. That's why women should pay special attention to their body during puberty, during pregnancy and at the onset of menopause. Taking birth control pills can also lead to hormonal changes. All of the above processes are accompanied by the production of a huge amount of the female hormone - estrogen, which he is unable to cope with. A sedentary lifestyle often leads to cellulite and excess weight. Due to the lack of a regular load on the body, the blood circulation process slows down, the food that enters the body does not have time to be fully absorbed, which leads to compaction of the connective tissues and the formation of an unwanted "orange peel" consisting of tubercles of hardened adipose tissue. role in the development of cellulite. The use of fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, spicy dishes, sausages, pickles, pastries, confectionery and semi-finished products containing dyes and flavors in their composition leads to the appearance of cellulite, since the toxins released during the digestion of such foods are deposited in the fatty tissue. fiber and negatively affect its condition. How to deal with cellulite In order to get rid of cellulite, you need to make a lot of effort and follow a whole range of recommendations. Today, there are quite a few ways to fight cellulite, among which everyone can choose the best and most effective for themselves. Include in your diet plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, especially those that help speed up blood circulation. These are red berries, cabbage, cranberries and pomegranates. Eat a few nuts daily. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which do not allow fat cells to harden. And, of course, exclude from your diet all junk and unhealthy foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. SportsRegular sports activities will help not only improve your silhouette, but also get rid of hated cellulite. In the process of performing physical exercises, muscles are toned, blood circulation improves, and the size of body fat decreases. Pay special attention to the most problematic areas that are most often exposed to cellulite, these are the hips, buttocks and stomach. Give preference to such sports that involve the maximum number of muscles, such as swimming, running and cycling. Massage Nothing stimulates metabolic processes and normalizes blood circulation like a good massage. During the massage, hardened skin and fatty tissues soften, lymph outflow improves, blood circulation is restored, and fats are broken down more intensively. If your goal is to get rid of cellulite, then opt for a special, anti-cellulite massage. It is necessary to do it in a course, because only in this case you can get the desired result. It is preferable to go for a massage in a massage parlor or beauty salon, however, if you do not have such an opportunity, then you can do anti-cellulite massage at home.Beauty treatmentsThere are many beauty treatments that help to cope with cellulite. By exfoliating several times a week, you will significantly reduce the likelihood of cellulite on your body. Another procedure that is popular among women is body wraps. They, as well as massage, can be performed both in beauty salons and at home. Do not forget about water procedures. Warm baths with sea salt and essential oils that improve blood circulation and contrast showers will make your body beautiful, and cellulite will not spoil your mood. Looking for a decent bookmaker in India? Go to https://rajbet.com ! Here you will find nice bonuses for registration, a wide list of events and the best odds